Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Mid-life and Santa Suits

I have been made aware of advertisements at the top of my blog. I just clicked on it and presently it advertises, "Mid-life assitance" and "Santa Suits". Well, I must say, these titles do describe a bit of life I'm presently experiencing.

This morning I went to the gym and did my weight class (the one that keeps my hormones and mid-section in line), had an in-depth conversation with a friend after class, got home and Bronwyn informed me that my shirt was inside out. In my twenties or thirties I would have cared about my shirt, now I just think," Hey, at least I got out of bed today." That's the mid-life assistance part. The Santa suit part, though funny, makes me a little sad. I found some of Bronwyn's old letters to Santa last night with little pictures she had drawn for him---so sweet and precious.

On a happy note, Caitlin and I were invited to a tea party in Bronwyn's room today. We both received written invitations and directions. She had a baby shower for her stuffed animal dog who was about to deliver her puppies at any minute. We had some pretend conversation. I asked Bronwyn if she had a job and she said that she worked at Starbucks with her friends, Serenity and Emma and they also shared an apartment. Serenity and Emma couldn't get off work today to come to the shower. I asked Caitlin if she was married. She became very shy and Bronwyn, always the good hostess, blurted out, "Yea, she's married to the the guy whose name is written on the bottom of her foot with the henna Jessie gave her........Orlando Bloom." The party went a bit down hill after that....but the dog had her puppies and it got a little better.

Now it is time to take my mid-life nap.