Monday, September 27, 2004

God of Wonders

Caitlin is studying Apologetics. Today we began a chapter which discussed the Teleological Argument. In trying to prove that nature does exhibit design, some facts were brought out about the Universe that made me marvel and want to fall on my face.

The Universe (and this does not even include its outer limits which have not been measured yet) is estimated to be 20 billion light-years in diameter ( a light year is the distance light travels in one year, moving at a speed of more than 186,000 miles per second; a light year is approx. 5,880,000,000,000 miles). There are a billion galaxies in the Universe. We live in the Milky Way galaxy as you already know. If you got in a space ship and could travel to the end of our galaxy, it would take you 100,000 years traveling at the speed of light.
As Bronwyn always says, and I believe the Holy Spirit has revealed it to her, "Mom....God is really really big."

Now, in my heart, I know it is not arguments, factual and rational as they might be, but the Holy Spirit that convinces of a Creator and need of a Savior. One does not need to know these scientific data to repent and follow Him. But, there is something about the witness of his Creation which, as in Ps 29:11, causes all in his temple ( especially this miserable sinner) to cry, "Glory." I often think, though it may be heresy, that Creation should have been canonized in one of those councils of the early church. Even Paul said there was no excuse for unbelief in lieu of Creation's testimony.

The vastness of this material Universe boggles my mind and is beyond my comprehension. I can't look at a spider in its web and not be forced to behold the wildness of God. The most advanced aircraft man can make is put to shame by the beauty and ingenuity of the humble doves that visit my backyard. Yet, he is mindful and tender toward it all! Therefore, what shall I say then of the MIND that created it all; the Mind who chose to pitch a tent among the ones He irrationally loves. What can a creature made from dirt say to the very One who thought of a light year or galaxy...... Have mercy on me.....Hold on to me.

This chorus kept running through my mind as Caitlin and I discussed the immensity of the Universe.

God of wonders beyond our galaxy, you are Holy, Holy

The Universe declares your majesty, you are Holy, Holy.

Oh God of wonders have mercy on us......don't forget us, keep holding on to us.....You are Holy.


Sherry said...

Now that is awesome!

MrH said...

Thank you! I not only learned what apologetics was today, but I was reminded of the inconceivable vastness of the one I call Father.