Tuesday, January 20, 2004


I guess since my last entry about my belief in hope I am being put to the test as a mild depression seems to be approaching. Since stopping medication for my mood disorder last march--- (A feat I consider, so far, successful as I have not yet been committed and my family seems to be fairly well intact) the way I navigate this territory has taken on a fairly routine rhythm. I make sure to increase gym days…I do more running, take higher doses of certain nutrients, and eat a more restricted diet and lower expectations of energy level as well as other things. Most importantly, I try my best to practice a discipline of crying out to God, a kind of intense (at least more than normal) clinging to Him. I also check all the belief systems of my self talk which becomes very negative, pessimistic and guilt ridden against Jesus himself. It really helps. You can be depressed but you don’t have to believe the lies associated with it.

Oh well, here’s to hope, grace and prayers.

On a less dismal note, my youngest child trying to relieve herself from the boredom of her 2nd grade reader, published by the Amish community, read the story of “Whiskers" the farm’s pet goat in a near perfect imitation of Doug Citizen’s Story Time with Christopher Walken. Today, she will have a comprehension test on the reading. I am curious to see how she does.

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