Monday, May 05, 2003

Places of Honor

Luke 14:8: When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited.

I have always been fascinated with the dynamics and intricacies of group interaction. There seems to be a phenomenon that when people gather ,the collection takes on its own personality based on the individuals of that group. The stronger personalities primarily mold this group persona and are facilitated by the more passive ones that are vicariously energized by the dominate ones....yet still ,strong or passive, all personalities vie for that place of honor within the group. We all want some form of recognition, no matter our place. I think this idea runs across the sacred and profane. I am not saying this is good or bad....... it just is. Our egos demand attention whether in a prayer group or or bridge club.....selflessness is a rare bird.

But Jesus, as always, takes us out of what "just is" and makes us pay attention to our heart drives and ambitions ( a true teacher).

In Luke he is obviuosly saying humble yourself and you may be pleasantly surprised and avoid humiliation. But I always look for the between the line or the less obvious lesson.
What if he is saying hey, don't make the drive of your life a 'seat of honor' you may want to focus on the one who is more distinguished than you. This is where all the life is. Now we all know that God's idea of 'distinguished' vastly differs from our definition. There is often that one person in the group who may not be one of the beautiful people, exegetically swift, or the passive fan....they may be the one who is most the most pain ( his favorites) and we will not recognize this one unless we are sitting in the 'lowest place' ( on a regular basis).

The Pharisees missed Messiah himself in his lowly state. So busy in the places of honor being the movers and the shakers, they couldn't see him because in his first journey, he came as a suffering wretched traveller and to the religious elite this is just another bum to put at the "kids" table.

How many times have we missed the distinguished of God in our "gatherings" no matter what their nature or purpose because we are so busy looking to be in the seat of honor or applauding the imposters in them? Was Jesus saying take the worst seat in the house so that he could have a following of severe, repressed ascetics who could live on a material and philosophical shoesting for some afterlife pie in the sky????? I don't think so. I think he wanted us to experience full life starting on this side of our true home and that taking the lowest place has the best view.... you'll never miss the distinguished of God and you may be pleasantly surprised ( not to mention have the ride of your life).

Lord forgive me for still coveting the place of honor in my heart. Teach me and take me to the 'lowest places' so that I won't miss one of your distinguished ones. Lord this is a dangerous prayer isn't it?

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