Tuesday, September 23, 2003

A Grand Conversion

I finished reading my husband’s blog. I spotted a spelling error that struck me. I believe he intended to spell the word ‘conversation’ not conversion, when he said he had a “grand conversion with Bronwyn.” I think that the right word is there and should not be corrected.

It is in these things that I find Jesus and His sparrow moments. I think the beauty of Jesus was serendipitously articulated in that spelling error. Gregg really was undergoing a “Grand Conversion” with his six year old. Any time one can be pulled away from the lies of linearity, our own ability to right all things, the have- to’s and the urgent things, one is experiencing the breaking in of the Kingdom and is being converted towards Jesus. Our conversions are often catalyzed by the most unlikely vessels.

The authenticity of Jesus often remains imperceptible and a rare experience for me. Mainly because my attention is on the things, ideas or formulas that will never form Christ in me. They may make me look good to my Christian culture or convince me that I have it all together (even though everyone can see my cheese is falling off my cracker). They can fill me with spiritual pride and delusion of a better life, but never will help me fall in love with people or be caught up in the Trinitarian romance. They will never allow me to experience that God more often converts me through submission to things that require an exercise of my own intimacy with Him, myself and others. Life is so full of Burning-Bush-moments…...

I wrote this poem in my "private thoughts "book a year ago….

Earth’s crammed with heaven
And every common bush afire with God
But only he who sees takes off his shoes.
The rest sit around it and pluck blackberries

Elizabeth Barret Browning

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